2023 Mental Health week has spearheaded several projects highlighting women’s mental, emotional health issues. 1 in 4 suffer Psychological disorders. Due to hormonal issues, women suffer depression and anxiety more than men.

Further Menopause legislation discussions continue with poor response. suggestions to improve working conditions for women with menopause disorders. Sadly government didn’t see the urgent action required. How would men know or understand menopause?
I congratulate Carole Vardaman (patron of menopause mandate),
for speaking out so candidly to the committee on women’s plight with perimenopause/menopause crisis. Not good enough was the conclusion on the day. Believing government needs to lead the way and make laws for employers and business follow, forcing responsible actions, recognising the needs of women in the workplace; who after all make up almost half of the employment sector.
The data is shocking. The facts are clear. Yet it was a women who defended the government decision. Kemi Badenoch faced a stormy U.K. House of Commons committee session as she defended the government's move to reject a cross-party call for help for women going through menopause. Showing that women do not understand either!
Why is it so hard to acknowledge females?
Once again women are ignored and rejected, abandoned in their plight. We need to remember each woman is living poor physical health, emotional and mental health due to menopause hormonal decline. Woman as mothers, sisters, grandparents, carers and lovers, teachers and professionals. Their daily long term menopause decline affects their children/grandchildren relationship, social and personal relationships, the family unit …all ripples out, affecting 24/7. Due to ill health, profession and careers suffer, unable to stay in work. Economically out of pocket. Hardship is a cocktail of hopelessness and helplessness.
The topic, ironically government is trying to improve……! Reducing poverty and get more back to work. Yet causing further decline with no action or bigger picture thinking. They could achieve great things if they took their heads out of the ostrich position. Not listening to the bigger picture as government survey proved in 2020. Still falling on deaf ears. No realisation of a women’s vulnerable situation. Debate is not going to change facts. Delay, shift pieces on the board. Decision and action is required.
Doing nothing as a society means we are creating suffering and undue mental stress, anxiety and depression daily for hundreds and thousands of women from ignorance and misunderstanding, which could be avoided and prevented with education, bigger picture person centred understanding.
The fact is menopause symptoms go into our winter years and affect in our 60 and 70’s, physically, emotional, mentally. Decline continues with contra indicators, hair falling out, bone, joint decline and breast issues etc.. As internal states reflect hormonal absence.
Males as husbands, partners, employers, professionals, medical policy makers, MP’s and governments can’t hide behind the ‘don’t know ‘ or ignore any more. Partners and husbands are bemused, out of their depth with how to help. What to do! Don’t know where to turn! As women are! Because professionals need educating too. There is no education and this has been the case for centauries ‘as a peculiar time of life and don’t ask’!
Fact is it is menopause and women’s health issues, are a global situation.
As a society we don’t understand the full impacts of peri-mesopause/ menopause. As women we don’t know what to expect, what to put in place and help themselves in menopause. Ignorant to the facts, longevity and outcomes.
And early prevention would benefit all females (males) if education had started in puberty and early twenties. Preparing and explaining what, how and when. Women (couples) are under prepared for maternity and menopause and expected to know how to become pregnant, how to bring up children, how to be a good parent; how to deal with menopause as a matter of course. With no inkling of hormonal dysfunction and mental health outcomes that follow hormonal dysfunction that may have been around since puberty!
If we want change there are huge swaths of education and programmes to put in place. To understand it is tough being a female. A bigger picture vision to help women long term for reduced menopause outcomes. Introduce new thinking for future female generations so they don’t have to live misunderstanding and lack of awareness we have lived. Our present day thinking and solutions are poor, firefighting with little success.
Joy Wisdom Trust is pioneering new thinking solutions and prevention packages for women’s health disorders. Joy advocates, we need to heal and correct the past to help prevent disappointments in maternity. Maternity, pregnancy loss, menopause and abuse, mental health is involved with all of the above. JWT believes education with bigger picture solutions, empowering programmes for women and society is key.
JWT offers empowering women and parent programmes. Individuals, couples, community groups, professional, corporate education and health care lifestyle solution programmes. 1-2-1 Therapy options: prevention, avoidance, solution training/education workshop, webinars, talks and seminars.
Digital Brochure link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF0y3cGFgvXi7DaMkF7mK6cyysrZthgaY
