Omega fatty acids have been known for some time and significant improvements can be received by adding to diet, including skin and bones.
Essentially the body needs fats, and the right kind of fats can be found by eating plenty of fatty fish such as salmon and tuna. Also found in avocados.
By taking Omega fatty acids in diet or as a supplement, helps to reduce inflammation internally. The anti-inflammatory properties have been proved before in many trials one of which were on Icelandic people.
An Australian research project has found improvement in children’s breathing within 6 months by eating fish twice a week.
Proving how asthma can be successfully treated almost exclusively in this case with a healthy diet including Omega fatty acids.
The children on the high fish diet had reduced bronchial inflammation by 14 units, where a 10 unit is considered to be significant. The results were astonishing and significant for children reducing their breathing disorders by receiving essential fatty acids one of the building blocks for body, improving many aspects of body and mind.
Source: J Hum Nutr Diet, 2018 Oct30
Ø Breathing issues are also associated with Shock, Trauma
Ø Birth trauma is a factor in breathing disorders.
Ø Cranium and brain alignment as brain assists with nervous, neuron and breathing mechanisms.
Ø Adverse Trauma, Psychological, emotional issues are often found to be underlying in breathing disorders.
All ages can benefit from JWT integrated whole body applications and education. If you want help with your or your child’s breathing issues, please contact JWT FREE horizon call to find out more ways to improve your child’s health wellbeing and breathing issues.
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