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 Dementia it is not inevitable by Joy Wisdom

Joy Wisdom

It is estimated 55 million people globally are living with dementia, with ten million new cases diagnosed annually. Many believe that dementia is inevitable, but Professor Gill Livingstone lead author of Lancet commission on dementia report says ‘Dementia it is not inevitable’.


Science is now identifying half of those with dementia are due to ‘modifiable risk factors’, in other words things we as individuals can change. Which is good news.


Finding 14 lifestyle, medical and environmental factors were together responsible for 45% of cases of the disorder. 


1.     High Blood Pressure

2.     High cholesterol

3.     Smoking

4.     Obesity

5.     Depression

6.     Physical inactivity

7.     Diabetes

8.     Excessive alcohol consumption

9.     Traumatic brain injury

10.  Exposure to air pollution

11.  Social isolation

12.  Lower levels of education

13.  Hearing loss

14.  Untreated sight loss


Alternative factors include those who have had ‘Traumatic brain’ injuries or impacts from sport such as boxing, rugby, cycling etc.


Joy Wisdom Trust offers menopause education and 1-2-1 therapy, support packages for Peri-menopause, Menopause and Elder menopause. 


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Joy Wisdom


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